Radha, Tantra and Meditation Teacher tells us how, during her years in Pune, in the Osho Commune, through an unusual practice suggested by the Master, she succeeded for the first time in opening up so totally to her sexual energy to be able to expand the orgasmic sensation throughout her body and not just during the sexual act …
Archive for category: Osho
Unless you experience orgasm you’ll never really discover your full potential
Orgasm can be a very nourishing experience, both for the body and the spirit: according to Tantra, it’s only through this experience that we can discover something about ourselves that goes beyond ourselves. But what can we do when orgasm is missing?
Every sense is just the opening of the lotus… a Tantric Meditation
When we are in the present moment, on the contrary, we expand and we are open to the mystery and to the juiciness of existence. In this meditation from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Osho invites us to expand the “lotus of our heart” through the senses, touching our beloved, or in touch with music, with a flower or with a tree…
Tantra: the transformation of Love
From the bedroom to relationships, love is a considerable challenge, it confronts us with beauty as well as the limits, it makes us experience ecstasy as well as the hell of the judgments of the mind. Tantra can be a truly revolutionary tool in love, in sex, in relationships.It is an alchemy that can completely transform ourselves and our way of being with each other, and its secret is meditation.
Osho: never take life for granted!
That is possible only for a person who does not take life for granted, who moves deep into the quality of being alive and becomes existential, authentic. Love is for the person who accepts death here and now and does not postpone it. Then between these two a beautiful phenomenon arises: the river of love.
The soulmate alchemy in Tantra
Tantra says we are already complete, that each one of us is both a man and a woman and that the partners we meet are only mirrors in which we learn to recognize and love our inner man or woman. But what does it mean exactly that the other is a mirror? And how does this mirror work?
Energy is one from sex to spirituality
This experience allowed Radha to explore in an intense and direct way Osho’s energy, the energy transmission phenomenon, and her own energy too, and gave her the understanding that energy is one from sex to spirituality. This is what her Tantralife work is soaked with.
Osho answers a question by Radha
Even if you don't meditate, you will certainly have experienced something like this: life suddenly invites you to grow, to expand, to recognize that you are more, that you deserve more. And everyone, no matter if meditators or not, we felt that paralyzing fear that doesn't make us move, that desire to remain in the known, in the familiar, even if it is a little uncomfortable...
What is the most precious gift of an enlightened Master?
Meeting an enlightened Master, having the good fortune of being able to live with him for years, feeding on his light and his love, is a gift whose reach is really difficult to imagine. Radha Luglio, founder of Tantralife, shares this gift, offering Meditation and Tantra courses all over the world.
If you want to know more about her, how she met Osho and how she still brings him in her work today
Foolishness is your wisdom, especially in these days
Among all the spiritual awakening paths, Tantra is the one that accepts life in its totality: from sex to spirit, from daily life to religiosity. Tantra never asks you to renounce anything in life but on the contrary, to dive into it and fully live and enjoy it. Above all, it teaches you how to transform this joyful dip in life into your meditation, your spiritual awakening.