Talking about love, Tantra, Osho, love, meditation... and some spicy experiences...
Enjoy this inspiring and spicy interview with Radha... with love from Thailand!
in Osho, RadhaTags creatività, creativity, lavoro, meditation, meditazione, osho, RadhaandOsho, workasmeditation
in Tantra, VideoTags meditation, tantrapath, tantricmeditation
Why meditation feels like an escape from the world?
In this video, Radha talks about the fear of isolation when we meditate.
in Radha, TantralifeTags radha, tantrapath
in Radha, TantralifeTags 25th anniversary, radha, RadhaandOsho, tantrapath
Kabir is welcoming Radha in Japan
Just as Radha always says that her work would not have been possible if she had not met Osho, I say that I could not lead Tantra groups today if I had not met Radha.
in OshoTags guru, meditation, osho
Let’s celebrate Guru Punima day!
Today is Guru Purnima day, it’s the day to honor the teachers, or ''gurus'' in our life. But what is a “Guru”?