As you might know, Tantralife’s slogan is “Conscious Love, Natural Life”. But what exactly does this expression mean? How can conscious sexuality make our life more real, more natural? And above all, what is the naturalness that is missing in our lives?
“Sexual sensitivity is a precious good already inside us, as Radha Luglio says.
‘You don’t make love, love happens. Like meditation. In this sense the sexual act can be the ideal moment to expand our perceptions. The orgasm, in fact, is a moment in which it’s easier to experience that sensation of losing self boundaries, erasing time and space’. With these words Radha Luglio, Osho’s direct disciple and international Tantra teacher for more than twenty years, defines the Tantra experience, the ‘whispered transmission’, transmitted for thousands of years as a secret from master to disciple.
Today this word has wrecked, like many sacred words, in a confusion that has debased its essence: ‘We denaturalize the sexual act transforming it in a performance, making it lose its freshness, naturalness and spontaneity… We need to give back to the sexual act its dignity, depth and mystery, to discover what sex is: a love experience, a bridge towards sacredness’.
The etymology comes from Sanskrit: it’s composed by TAN, which means –expansion- , and TRA that it’s translated – method-. A method to expand consciousness and the energetic and vital potential…
Radha clarifies: ‘In Tantra (and in meditation Ed.) we learn non-doing, to let it happen: we get in touch with our senses and we understand that we are good as we are. Tantra is not only understood as sexual energy, but also as a conscious acceptance of everything life proposes’. For this reason, it’s a way that gives great importance to the transformational feminine power; not only in the physiological meaning, but also as a mental attitude. ‘If, in fact, Hatha Yoga, in the way Patanjali has transmitted us through his Yoga Sutra, has a male approach to life (it’s the way of will power, that teaches to contain and control with awareness thanks to an absolute discipline), Tantra is the way of surrendering: it’s about indulging with awareness. In modern psychological terms, it could be said that Hata Yoga is extrovert while Tantra is introvert. In Tantra all desires are allowed and should be satisfied as a vehicle to go beyond, every energy becomes a help to evolve. ‘That’s why it is dangerous: it’s easy to lose yourself in sexual energy, it’s an instinctive and innate wish in every one of us’ Radha warns us.
The purpose of Tantra is the same as Yoga: to enter in contact with our own inner emptiness, a void ‘full of richness and space’. Like Yoga, Tantra invites us to witness our actions, contemplating (from Latin cum+templum, i.e. – observe the object putting it in a temple- with respect). This contemplation can be trained in every daily action: when we walk, when we eat and, above all, when we make love. ‘But it is fundamental to understand that the ability to feel our energy does not depend on the partner: the partner is only the spark that can turn on our fire’. Working with sexuality we go closer to our own center: it’s a journey back to ourselves through the other, thanks to which we can learn to humbly love ourselves… […]
From an interview with Radha Luglio by Antonella Malaguti on Yoga Journal (abstract)